Event Dates

Digital Health- Making it Work for Everyone 


Dec 07, 2020
Dec 09, 2020
Add to Calendar 20201207T0001 20201209T2359 2020 Global Digital Health Forum Join us December 7-9 for the 7th Annual Global Digital Health Forum! We're moving from our typical in person event to a virtual event this year. Join us on the virtual event platform here: https://gdhf.conference.tc/2020/
The theme for this year's event is Digital Health - Making it work for everyone. 
Digital health can be the great leveler - it can give anyone access to information about health and disease.  But sometimes, it can unfairly exclude.  How do we give opportunity to the poorest of the poor, people in fragile settings, women, young people, people with disabilities, and people with diverse sexual and gender identities and expressions?  How do we make life easier for overburdened health care workers and caregivers who are caring for the whole child, not just the "ill' part of the child?  How do we address these issues alongside the realities of pandemics, like COVID-19, and climate change, that are changing our lives on a d...
5701 Marinelli Rd, Rockville, MD 20852 2020 Global Digital Health Forum forum@globaldigitalhealthnetwork.org

2020 Global Digital Health Forum

Join us December 7-9 for the 7th Annual Global Digital Health Forum! We're moving from our typical in person event to a virtual event this year. Join us on the virtual event platform here: https://gdhf.conference.tc/2020/

The theme for this year's event is Digital Health - Making it work for everyone

Digital health can be the great leveler - it can give anyone access to information about health and disease.  But sometimes, it can unfairly exclude.  How do we give opportunity to the poorest of the poor, people in fragile settings, women, young people, people with disabilities, and people with diverse sexual and gender identities and expressions?  How do we make life easier for overburdened health care workers and caregivers who are caring for the whole child, not just the "ill' part of the child?  How do we address these issues alongside the realities of pandemics, like COVID-19, and climate change, that are changing our lives on a daily basis?  This year's Forum will explore all of these issues and more.

Abstract submission for the Forum closed in July 2020. The Forum will have engaging sessions to connect government stakeholders, digital health technologists, researchers, donors, implementers and field experts from across the globe. The Forum will once again feature TED-style talks, panel presentations, hands-on workshops, deep-dive lab sessions, the interactive "Appy Hour", vendor tables, and an opportunity to showcase your work on a poster. 

With our change to an online format, we accepted sessions in French and Spanish based on the demand we have seen from previous years for sessions to be held in additional languages. We believe this ties in nicely with our theme this year, Digital Health - Making it work for everyone.

Le Global Digital Health Forum devient virtuel pour 2020! Avec ce changement à un format en ligne, nous ajouterons des sessions en français et en espagnol suite à la demande que nous avons reçue les années précédentes pour que les sessions se tiennent dans d'autres langues. Nous pensons que cela rejoint parfaitement notre thème cette année, La santé numérique - Faire en sorte que cela fonctionne pour tous.

El Foro Global de Salud Digital 2020 se volverá virtual! Con este cambio a un formato virtual, agregaremos pistas en francés y español basados en la demanda que hemos visto en años anteriores de que las sesiones se realicen en otros idiomas. Creemos que esto encaja muy bien con nuestro tema de este año, Salud digital: hacer que funcione para todos.

Please contact forum@globaldigitalhealthnetwork.org with any inquiries.

Header photo credit: Karen Kasmauski/MCSP


Premier Sponsor

Track Sponsors

(Cutting Edge Technologies)
(Health Information Systems Architecture)

Plenary Sponsors

Breakout Session Sponsors

Networking Session Sponsors

Affiliate Sponsor

Forum Structure

The Forum will take a broad structure that will include:

  • Appy Hour- The Appy Hour will be part of a tech salon of software and hardware presentations during a Networking event at the Forum. Presenters will demonstrate how their application or hardware works.           
  • Interactive Workshop - Interactive workshops will be 60 minutes and must be planned to engage participants in hands-on learning.  The Interactive workshops will aim to highlight an important digital health topic combined with an activity to further participant understanding of the topic.

  •  Lab Session- Lab Sessions will be 2-3 hour sessions that will provide participants with tutorials and significant hands-on experience using digital health platforms.  

  •  Individual Presentation - Individual Presentations will be 15-20 minute presentations accompanied by Q&A with session participants. Individual presentations will be grouped with other related submissions by thematic, geographic or technical area. 

  •  Poster Presentation - Poster presentations will be featured in their own session this year and will remain on display for the duration of the forum. All Poster presenters will have an opportunity to present their work and interact with participants for Q&A. 

  •  Pre-formed Panel - Pre-formed panels will be moderated sessions with 3 presentations on the same topic, taking no longer than 60 minutes, including time for Q&A.  Presenters will give a PowerPoint presentation followed by guided Q&A.  

  •  TED-style talk - A TED-talk format will give presenters a chance to deliver an 5-7 minute presentation to the plenary, without slides or notes, in a storytelling format.  

Please note: abstract submission for GDHF 2020 closed in July 2020. We are excited about all of the wonderful content we received!

Join The Global Digital Health Network!

About The Global Digital Health Network

The Global Digital Health Network envisions a world where technical innovation supports improved health and contributes to better quality, accessibility and sustainability of health services and health outcomes, particularly for underserved populations in low resource environments. Formerly known as the mHealth Working Group, the Network was established in 2009 by global health organizations for global health organizations, and is a 3800 person-strong networking forum with members from 116 countries to share information, engage with the broader community, and provide leadership in digital health for global public health. Our events and communications are a venue to share practical and flexible guidance with each other and the community. We also seek to engage with and learn from digital implementers in non-health sectors, so that we may strengthen our respective digital technologies.

You can follow the Global Digital Health Network on Twitter @The_GDHN,  and on LinkedIn or learn more on our website.